Dry Farmed Tomatoes Basking in the field. . . |

This season I don't really need to put summertime in quotes, on day two of another mild heatwave I can almost hear the sweet peppers and lemon cucumbers growing and I imagine little blushes of red forming on the tomatoes. With some regret I sit at my computer while the cool morning fades quickly to the white heat of the day. This is good weather, for the last few weeks it has been as close to ideal conditions as I have seen. If I wanted to complain about the weather I would have to reach back into April and May. It has been a spring absent of disaster and troubling weather, this smooth sailing can make one worry a bit but I also can't help but be excited with all of the possibility that the season holds.
This week I'll be coming back to the Berkeley Farmers market on Saturday. It should be a fun mix of things, many will be in short supply this week and get more abundant as the weeks roll on. Our onion crop this year has been incredible, I can't believe the quality and consistency of the fat yellow and red bulbs, and I can't wait to start sharing them. We will also have basil, english cucumbers, and summer squash. There should be a few padron peppers and some green sweet peppers for the lucky few who get to market early.
I look forward to seeing you all at market again,
Happy Summer
Kevin McEnnis and the Quetzal Farm Crew
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